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          產(chǎn)品展示 / products 您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 美國ASCO > 美國ASCO電磁閥 > SCG551A001MS 230/50/ASCO非防爆電磁閥


          PROUCTS LIST

          SCG551A001MS 230/50/ASCO非防爆電磁閥

          SCG551A001MS 230/50/ASCO非防爆電磁閥

          簡要描述:SCG551A001MS 230/50/ASCO非防爆電磁閥質(zhì)量穩(wěn)定,能應付高溫介質(zhì)的考驗;特氟隆和乙烯·丙烯閥盤不銹鋼座和耐高溫線圈,確保長壽命,高;多種結構類型,包括直動式緩慢關閉型,常開或常閉;特適應于高溫應用場合,諸如:洗衣房,模塑蒸汽霧化,消毒器,蒸壓器和其它許多場合,格合理。

          • 更新時間:2024-12-07
          • 產(chǎn)品型號:
          • 廠商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷商
          • 所屬分類:美國ASCO電磁閥
          • 產(chǎn)品廠地:杭州市
          • 訪問次數(shù):1060

          SCG551A001MS 230/50/ASCO非防爆電磁閥詳情如下:

          SCG551A001MS 230/50/ASCO非防爆電磁閥
          •  The diaphragm pulse valves are especially designed for dust collector service
            applications, combining high fl ow, long life and extremely fast opening and
            closing to produce reliable and economical operation
          •  The high fl ow, angle type bodies, springless construction, in combination with 
            the special diaphragm assemblies give the unique operating features 
            required for dust collector service applications
          • Integral compression fi ttings for fast, easy, secure installation
          • Built-in silencers guarantee noise free operation and avoid foreign particles
          entering the valve
          • The integral operators are provided with epoxy moulded F-class coils. Various
          optional waterproof and explosionproof solenoids for use in potentially explosive
          atmospheres (gas & dust) according to Directive ATEX 94/9/EC can be mount
          ed on the same basic valve (see pages 50 to 58)
          • The components satisfy all relevant EC directives
          Connector  Spade plug (cable Ø 6 - 10 mm)
          Connector specificationISO 4400
          Electrical safety  IEC 335
          Differential pressure (PS)  0,35 - 8,5 bar [1 bar = 100kPa]
          Ambient temperature range -20 to +85°C
          inrush holding
          nominal power ratings
          (1) Intermittent duty, Relative Duty Time is 10%. Max. on time is 1 min.
          Standard voltages DC (=) : 24V (Other voltages and 60 Hz on request) AC (~) : 24V - 115V - 230V / 50 Hz
          fluid temperature range (TS) piston/diaphragm
          air -20 to +85 °C TPE (thermoplastic polyester elastomer)


          ASC0 30400008
          ASC0 30400007
          ASC0 43800178
          ASC0 43400259
          ASC0 45000519
          ASCO EFHT8316G54 24VDC
          ASCO EFG353A043 3/4 DC24V
          ASCO 8320G184MS AC220V
          ASCO SCE370A027V
          ASCO K302-116
          ASCO SCG551A001MS
          ASCO 8210G22 DC24V
          ASCO EF8342G20 AC220V
          ASCO 51900001
          ASCO 34203060
          ASCO 8360G74 220VAC
          ASCO NFB 316 D014
          ASCO SCG262C013
          ASCO SCE210C035
          ASCO E290A040
          ASCO 8300A82U  3/8  90PSI
          ASCO EF8320G174  220VAC
          ASCO EF8320G174  24VDC
          ASCO 8263G333
          ASCO NBETB307C039U DC24V
          ASCO NAETB307C039 DC24V


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          在線客服 聯(lián)系方式


          浙公網(wǎng)安備 33010402001893號


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